QuantiParts offers you OEM parts for classic Wärtsilä engines

- We can supply all required maintenance parts for your engines
- We operate within the global Wärtsilä network and distributors
- We work cost efficient and are available 24/7

call us

For parts: Call us 24/7 +31 88 980 2500 

or mail: sales@quantiparts.com



Wärtsilä employees get “Quantified”

During a Wärtsilä Spare parts delivery course on the 16th of October in the Netherlands (Drunen), QuantiParts Employees have taken the opportunity to explain the way of working in QuantiParts.   Marijn Teters and Raymond Westerhof as SAP expert key users have highlighted the slight differences and tips and tricks for handling Quantiparts materials compared…


Kamerlid Anne Kuik bezoekt QuantiParts

Anne Kuik, lid Tweede Kamer voor het CDA, is tijdens een werkbezoek aan Quantiparts, bedankt voor haar inspanningen waardoor er ook in 2019 subsidie is voor goede begeleiding naar werk bij het praktijkonderwijs in het mbo. Met haar collega Kamerleden, zorgde ze er bij de algemene beschouwingen voor dat de subsidie van circa 19,5 miljoen…


Distributor days 2018

QuantiParts is making it an annual tradition to gather its distributors, new and established for a 2-day event. This year it was held on the 11th and 12th of September in Harlingen. The first day was used to have a discussion in the Wärtsilä Workshop premises in Harlingen. As previous year, time was reserved for the…


QuantiParts attending Fishery event URK

A highlight in the Benelux Fishing industry is the “Holland Fisheries event” which is held every 2 years. This gathering of suppliers, customers and parties working in the Fishing and Fish processing industry has grown into an important and innovative event during the last few years. QuantiParts will attend together with Wärtsilä Benelux. We will…


Team Run2Day is weer binnen !

Ook dit jaar heeft Zwolle team Run2day de Roparun weer volbracht. Het evenement vond dit jaar plaats van 19 tot 21 mei en startte dit keer vanuit Parijs. De Roparun is een jaarlijkse estafetteloop van 560 km die start vanuit Parijs of Hamburg naar Rotterdam. Het is een goede doelen loop, waar in teamverband, een…

VR Group

Wärtsilä extends market reach through deeper service partnership with VR Group

The technology group Wärtsilä and VR Group, a national railway operator owned by the Finnish State, deepen their partnership as Wärtsilä begins to recondition the engines of diesel locomotives. The agreement significantly extends the previous relationship between the companies. For VR Group, the agreement ensures professional and flexible maintenance and reconditioning services of its diesel…


Customer Seminar held with Royal Malaysian Navy

End of April a technical/informing customer seminar was held together with the Wärtsilä Service Unit Malaysia. There was an addition of hosting party in the form of newly appointed distributor Omahams Corp Sdn Bdh. All was organised for customer Royal Malaysian Navy and Coastguard. Presenting from QuantiParts was Area Manager Gert van de Kamp and…


Sponsoring van Roparun 2018 team Run2Day

QuantiParts zal ook dit jaar hardloopteam team Run2Day Zwolle sponsoren tijdens de Roparun 2018. Dit jaar vindt het evenement plaats van 19 tot 21 mei en start dit keer vanuit Parijs. Quantiparts medewerker Mirjam Brandt loopt wederom de route voor het goede doel. De Roparun is een jaarlijkse estafetteloop van 560 km die start vanuit…


LSI appointed as QuantiParts Distributor

On May 3rd, La Segmenti Industriale S.r.l  (LSI) based in Saviano, Italy, officially signed a distributor agreement with QuantiParts BV from Zwolle the Netherlands. With this agreement, LSI joined the fast growing global distributor network of QuantiParts consisting of skilled and equipped technical support companies representing QuantiParts in specific market segments. Since 1962, LSI has…


Major overhaul for vessel DLB Nand Gaurav

Wärtsilä India Customer, Essar Offshore Subsea Ltd is currently working on its Pipe Laying/construction/lodging Barge “DLB Nand Gaurav”. The vessel will be brought back into operation for a new upcoming pipe-laying project after it was laid off since July 2015. The vessel is powered by 9 engines and two of those are our 8-cylinder Stork…