QuantiParts offers you OEM parts for classic Wärtsilä engines

The best technical know-how, 24-7 parts services and cost-efficient solutions. QuantiParts is here for you and your engine.

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call us

For parts: Call us 24/7 +31 88 980 2500 

or mail: sales@quantiparts.com


There are 2 engines types: Wärtsilä 200 and Wärtsilä 220

Quantiparts supplies the OEM parts for this engine family. You are guaranteed to get the best quality parts with the latest technical modifications. Above the overview of the engine types we can offer parts for.

Engine Training
For QuantiParts possibilities to supply a tailor made engine training, please send your request

Please send your request to sales@quantiparts.com to the attention of the responsible technical expert.

Wartsila 200 support in QuantiParts:

Product Support Manager (PSM) Eric Flora

